Saturday, 9 June 2018

DCL Concert

So here we are after the concert in Disco Bar Luna. What can I say, it was just awful, no wait that's not right, it was awfully great. We had a blast. Excellent crowd considering we're quite young for a band that is. Our colleagues danced, our friends chanted and strange faces smiled as we played. It was fantastic

I have to say I was very annoyed that our old bass player wasn't with us because of work issues and squabbling between Rafa and Paco. Paco was too nervous for the groups performance because Rafa didn't come to any rehearsals but I knew he would have been great. Rafa is an amazing bass player

So when Rocker aka Jose offered to play in his sted I was conflicted. It was very hypocritical of us to allow him to play after loosing Rafa because of rehearsal issues and yet here we had the same issue but after doing one rehearsal with Rocker I knew It was going to be cosher.

So after one rehearsal the day previous and another mini rehearsal during sound check we were almost ready but I had one problem knawing at my brain as I went home to shower, eat and get changed for the show, THE SOUND wasn't right. The PA system wasn't set up correctly. My voice crackled as I sang but it wasn't me that was crackling.

So I got back to the bar ASAP as I wasn't going to allow a bad sound check ruin our concert again, the year previous was a resounding failure because of a shitty sound technician but this concert didn't have a sound technician. It was our own fault so I had to fix it and I did.

We had a blast and we were pleasantly surprised as too were our esteemed guests, The Audience. Thank you for a lovely time. We had a blast.