Sunday, 6 September 2015

X-Factor or Not?

To X-Factor Or Not to X-Factor?


Should people who love to to sing,dance and express themselves go to the X-Factor and sell their souls to the proverbial devil?As a lover of music which I think a huge majority of the human race are, I think the X-Factor is a unique platform to which all aspiring singers/performers are given a chance to shine even if it's through the corporate gateway.

One thing cannot be denied and that is that Simon Cowell is a visionary man who can instinctively spot talent and drag it kicking, screaming and Roaring to the front line and into the mainstream limelight.

Every year I sit down at my computer and watch on YouTube if not all of the videos at least 95% of the auditions and almost every Gala.It's wonderful to see the  natural talent grow and nourish with the astronomical backing of the X-Factor teams.It brings me countless hours of joy,wonder and an overall sense of spirituality, especial when you see these people opening up and showing their hearts to the world

It may not be the best way to be original but its most certainly the best way to become a superstar with amazing backing from the big boys.Bring on 2015 X-Factor. 

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